The safest, fastest and efficient matrix smart-contract ~ P2P payments direct into your wallet!
Earn dividends simply by joining - available to withdraw instantly!!
You can connect to the MaticShare Smart Contract Here
~ x3 Matrix = Infinite Earning potential with 12 increasing POL Value Levels!
~ x6 Matrix = Another 12 Levels of Infinite Earning Potentials with further spillover potentials!
~ Dividends = 25% dividends from every payment into the system is distributed to every player in the game!
~ Faster, easier and more efficient than Forsage and Lionshare!
Click above to copy the link. is the user interface to the MaticShare smart contract that runs on the Polygon.
The MaticShare smart contract is a fully decentralised and fully autonomous ~ that is it is not managed or controlled by any single entity. All transactions are mined on Polygon and payments made Peer to Peer in a fully decentralised manner.
The MaticShare smart contract cannot be stopped, censored or controlled! costs just 1 POL (Approx 10USD) to register - this enters you into both X3 and x6 Matrices. From here you can choose to upgrade each Matrix independently. From this point on you will be able to start building your Matrix, earning income and will also receive a lifetime income from the games Dividend payments.
MaticShare is very similar to Forsage ~ but with 3 distinct differences:
1: We offer dividends on top of your Partner Earnings! You will earn a lifetime dividend from MaticShare!
2: It's still early! Joining a game like MaticShare early on gives massive benefits!
3: MaticShare runs on the incredibly efficient and cheap Polygon POL blockchain! Wither low transaction/gas fees!
We also beonline MaticShare is far easier to use, understand and therefore build your Matrix with! has been tested to be compatible with all major Web3 Polygon POL wallets such as Trust Wallet, Metamask etc - including all major mobile wallets.
Yes, you will be assigned under user ID: 1 and can then start to build your Matrix.
For your first 2 partners below you - their payments into the MaticShare go directly into your wallet (Minus the Dividend commission of 2%).
The 3rd partner that comes under your account at each level auto reinvests for you! The payment comes to you but auto-pays for the level to be renewed by paying your upstream partner (At the same level).
This renewal process resets your current partner's connection.... at this point you should upgrade to the next level, if not the next round of payments at this level will be redirected to your upstream partner!
You will also receive these “upstream/overflow” payments from your downstream partners too when they renew (See payment flow from User H)!
~ There are no expiry dates on partners or levels!
~ You can UPGRADE to each level at any stage - but must do so in sequence.
Read more in the full POLShare Game Guide
Your first 2 partners under x6 pay their payments (Minus the Dividend commission) direct to your current partner (User A).
The second level (Users E, F, G & H) are your payment level with Users E,F,G paying direct POL directly into your wallet (Minus the dividend commission).
User H is the auto-reinvest payment - renewing the level for you... as with the x3 system this clears your referrals letting the system begin again but only if you upgrade to the next level ~ otherwise the next round of payments from your partners would go up your matrix to your partner!
~ There are no expiry dates on partners or levels!
~ You can UPGRADE to each level at any stage - but must do so in sequence.
Read more in the full MaticShare Game Guide
From every matrix payment a tiny 2% fee is charged ~ this is not a dev payment but paid into the dividend pool which is distributed to everyone who is in the game!
You continue to earn even if your matrix remains idle!
Read more in the full MaticShare Game Guide
But avoid spamming forums and chat rooms!
Creating content is a great place to start (E.g. YouTube videos, Medium content) that link directly to your MaticShare ref-url - but that is just one of many ways of promoting your URLs.... some people share on various crypto Telegram & Discord groups for example and make a great return!
Read more in the full MaticShare Game Guide
A Matrix starts with just 1 Partner! From there it can grow and grow - earning you a passive income.
Search for other MaticShare content to see how others are sharing their content and Referral URLs and utilise similar strategies!
Read more in the full MaticShare Game Guide
If you registered with a referral URL of a player that wasn't in the system yet - MaticShare is unable to assign you to their Matrix and has to assign you to another.
Read more in the full MaticShare Game Guide
Each level in both x3 and x6 have no expiry date ~ giving you plenty of time to build your Partner Referrals!
Once you have filled up the slots in each Matrix they auto-renew allowing you to then receive another round of payments for that level (As long as you have upgraded!)
Read more in the full MaticShare Game Guide
Using different Polygon account's to play multiple games of MaticShare is possible - simply switch accounts and refresh the page to check each of your games progress!
Read more in the full MaticShare Game Guide
So insteat of a long URL like you could have something like (Or whatever you choose!).
Note: All VIP Names are case-insensitive, (stored and checked in UPPERCASE) and are charged at just 0.05 ETH. You can purchase a new name at any point if you wish to change ~ your previous names will still point to your account to avoid missing any referrals!
MaticShare is a smart contract running on the decentralised Polygon Blockchain and does not belong to any individual person or business enterprise. It's purpose is to distribute the POL cryptocurrency token evenly between all users of the smart contract. The distribution is controlled by the smart contract algorithm ~ which is immutable, uncontrollable and unstoppable!
The site administrators DO NOT own the MaticShare project and have no technical or any other means to access user funds which are ALWAYS sent direct to users wallets P2P (Person 2 Person).